Primul pas este sa va faceti cont de magazin accesand butonul Inscrie magazin! Va trebui apoi sa completati cu atentie folosind informatii complete si actualizate toate campurile formularului.
In cel mai scurt timp vei primi un e-mail de confirmare si vei fi preluat de operatorii in vederea inscrierii magazinului tau pe comparator.
Dupa ce v-ati inregistrat, ne trimiteti feed-ul, noi va spunem in ce pachet va incadrati in functie de numarul de produse listate in feed.
Un membru al echipei va introduce feedul in comparator, primiti un e-mail de confirmare ca produsele dumneavoastra sunt listate si din acel moment prin autentificarea magazinului pe puteti vedea produsele dumneavoastra si orice alte detalii legate de ele.
Verificati produsele si listarea dupa care va trimitem o proforma. In momentul in care se efectueaza plata noi va trimitem factura aferenta.
Timpul in care produsele magazinului tau vor fi afisate pe poate varia de la cateva ore la cateva zile, in functie de marimea, complexitatea si corectitudinea feed-ului atasat.
Imediat dupa ce produsele magazinului tau au fost incarcate pe vei primi un e-mail de confirmare.
De asemenea poti sa verifici personal, accesand contul tau de comerciant.
Pentru orice alte intrebari, neclaritati, etc te rugam sa ne
Pentru a lista, produsele tale pe avem nevoie de un fisier de date (datafeed) care sa contina informatii despre produsele tale (pret, categorie, nume, etc). In cazul in care nu ai sau nu poti genera un astfel de fisier, te rugam sa ne contactezi si noi iti vom oferi suportul necesar.
Tip fisier recomandat: txt, csv | Tip fisier acceptat: xml |
Cerinte feed - moneda sa fie RON- pretul sa aiba TVA adaugat- produsele sa fie noi. Nu se accepta produse resigilate, second hand, desfacute etc- imaginile sa nu aiba watermark.
Cerinte feed
Sa contina 1 din urmatoarele separatoare acceptate: |
| ||||||||||||
Sa contina MINIM urmatoarele campuri, valide: |
| ||||||||||||
Urmatoarele campuri de date, nu sunt obligatorii insa sunt recomandate pentru o expunere mai buna a produselor magazinului dvs. |
| ||||||||||||
Sa fie in format text (preferabil XML-ului) |
Art. 1 Partile:
SC.BANNER PC SRL cu sediul in Bucuresti str.Ciresului nr.25 sect.2 , RC J40/4859/2000 avand CIF RO 13039738, reprezentata de Dan Banner – Director General, in calitate de prestator denumit in continuare COMPARA.RO,
SC…………………….. SRL cu sediul in Bucuresti str…………… nr……… sect….. , RC ………………………… avand CIF RO ……………………, reprezentata de ……………. – Director General, in calitate de beneficiar,
"Contract" – prezentul acord al partilor, care se poate incheia valabil exclusiv in limba Romana.
"Acceptarea ofertei" – finalizarea de catre Beneficiar a procesului de crearea a unui cont pe
"Formular de comanda" - un document electronic ce intervine ca forma de comunicare intre Furnizor si Beneficiar, prin care la solicitarea Beneficiarului, Furnizorul este de acord sa presteze Serviciile solicitate, iar Beneficiarul este de acord sa primeasca aceste Servicii si sa le plateasca, daca a optat pentru un plan tarifar. Comanda se considera finalizata si va produce efecte din momentul in care acceptarea ofertei a ajuns la COMPARA.RO in cazul Serviciiilor gratuite, si din momentul in care acceptarea ofertei ce include plata efectiva a pretului seviciilor tarifare alese a ajuns la COMPARA.RO.
"Servicii" –activitati prestate de catre Furnizor la cererea si in interesul Beneficiarului, activitati ce constau in listarea produselor beneficiarului pe, afisarea de bannere promotionale pe home page/pagini de categorii/subcategorii de produs;
"Anexa/anexele comenzii" – Orice act subsecvent comenzii constituie parte integranta din prezentul contract;
"Intrerupere planificata" – reprezinta lucrari de intretinere de rutina sau lucrari de modernizare, care pot afecta disponibilitatea Serviciului.
"Notificare" – anunt scris transmis prin posta electronica sau afisat pe orice alt suport electronic privind orice intrerupere planificata care va afecta disponibilitatea serviciului. COMPARA.RO va depune eforturi rezonabile pentru a-i transmite Beneficiarului inainte cu cel putin 1 zi lucratoare o astfel de notificare.
"Parti" –partile semnatare ale contractului, respectiv Beneficiarul sau COMPARA.RO
"Plan tarifar" – structura de cost reprezentand plata aferenta unui pachet de servicii ales, incluzand o anumita serie de optiuni functionale alese, asa cum se regaseste in pagina http://...................................................... si care poate fi actualizata fara notificare prealabila. Orice schimbare a pretului contractului va fi comunicata separat si individual Beneficiarului, daca va fi cazul. Planul tarifar aferent contractului se regaseste in Anexele comenzii.
"Suport" – centrul de suport tehnic al COMPARA.RO, disponibil de Luni pana Vineri, in intervalul orar 10.00 – 18.30 (GMT+2), telefonic, la adresa de email sau prin intermediul formularului de contact situat la adresa http://...................................................
"Utilizare normala" - utilizarea serviciilor, conform planurilor tarifare alese, exclusiv in scopul pentru care au fost oferite de catre Furnizor, in limitele capacitatilor si optiunilor disponibile in cadrul sistemului, conforma cu Termenii si conditiile de utilizare si supusa prevederilor prezentului Contract.
"Termeni si conditii de utilizare" – reguli de conduita si de utilizare a serviciilor de catre Beneficiar, disponibile in varianta actualizata periodic pe site-ul http://....................................../, la adresa care pot fi actualizate, modificate in orice fel, fara notificare prealabila.
"Widget" – aplicatie sau componenta a unei interfete software, care permite indeplinirea unei anumite functii sau accesarea unui serviciu.
Art. 2 Obiectul contractului
2.1 Obiectul contractului il constituie prestarea de catre COMPARA.RO in interesul Beneficiarului a urmatoarelor servicii, conform termenilor si conditiilor prezentului Contract:
2.2 Prezentul contract inlocuieste in integralitate orice alt contract/intelegere incheiat(a) anterior intre Furnizor si Beneficiar pentru Servicii de tipul celor mentionate in obiectul prezentului contract, la Art. 2.1, insa nu anuleaza obligatiile de plata restante si penalitatile pentru serviciile anterior prestate, nici nu constituie renuntare la debite.
Art. 3 Durata contractului
3.1 Prezentul Contract intra in vigoare:
a) in cazul Serviciilor gratuite - din momentul in care acceptarea ofertei a ajuns la COMPARA.RO, si
b) in cazul Serviciilor contra-cost, conform planurilor tarifare - din momentul in care acceptarea ofertei ce include si plata efectiva a pretului seviciilor tarifare alese a ajuns la COMPARA.RO.
3.2 Prezentul Contract se incheie pe perioada nedeterminata si expira in cazul in care Beneficiarul renunta la folosirea serviciilor COMPARA.RO, prin anularea definitiva a contului sau in cazul in care Furnizorul suspenda definitv accesul Beneficiarului la Servicii, ca urmare a incalcarii de catre Beneficiar a prevederilor prezentului Contract.
3.3 Furnizarea serviciilor contra-cost va fi sistata odata cu expirarea perioadei aferente planului/planurilor de servicii comandat(e)/ales(e) de catre Beneficiar si mentionat(e) in Anexele la comanda.
3.4 In cazul in care, la expirarea duratei aferente planului tarifar comandat, Beneficiarul nu opteaza printr-o noua comanda pentru continuarea folosirii pachetului/pachetelor de servicii, mentionat(e) in Anexele la comanda si ales(e) prin prezentul Contract sau pentru schimbarea acestuia/acestora din urma cu un alt pachet de servicii contra-cost, prin selectia corespunzatoare efectuata pe site-ul http://....................................................................................../, in sectiunea http://......................................................................, atunci Beneficiarului ii va fi alocat automat planul tarifar gratuit, care ofera acces la o serie limitata de optiuni functionale, pana la efectuarea unei noi selectii.
Art. 4 Locatia activitatilor stipulate in contract
4.1 Activitatile stipulate in prezentul contract se vor desfasura la sediul sau punctele de lucru ale prestatorului.
Art. 5 Valoarea contractului
5.1 Preturile pentru Servicii sunt exclusiv cele prevazute in anexele la comanda acceptate si utilizate de Beneficiar prin plasarea comenzii. Preturile pentru Servicii prevazute in Anexele formularelor de comanda si in pagina http://................................................... nu includ TVA. Plata se considera efectuata cand suma corecta de bani, scutita/libera de orice taxe bancare, comisioane sau orice alte taxe/retineri, a fost primita in contul prestatorului.
Art. 6 Termene si modalitati de plata
6.1 In urma comenzii trimise pentru achizitionarea unui plan de servicii, se va emite o factura proforma care trebuie achitata in avans prin ordin de plata sau prin unul din mijloacele de plata puse la dispozitia Beneficiarului de catre Prestator. Pentru o procesare rapida este necesara inscrierea numarului facturii proforme in ordinul de plata bancar. Ulterior, in termen de maxim 5 zile de la receptionarea platii, COMPARA.RO va emite o factura fiscala catre Beneficiar, conforma cu factura proforma. Beneficiarul va primi acces la serviciile corespunzatoare planului achizitionat in momentul in care este confirmata efectuarea platii.
Art. 7 Obligatiile Furnizorului
7.1 COMPARA.RO se obliga sa:
COMPARA.RO se obliga sa remedieze deranjamentele tehnice de functionare aparute in reteaua sa, astfel incat sa asigure furnizarea/continuitatea Serviciilor, in maximum 2 zile lucratoare de la data inregistrarii acestora, conform specificatiilor din prezentul articol.
7.2 COMPARA.RO nu are dreptul sa modifice continutul de tip text sau foto adaugat de catre Beneficiar in contul sau, fara acordul acestuia, cu exceptia cazurilor cand o solicitare de modificare inclusiv prin blocare este inaintata de institutii sau organisme abilitate sau este o obligatie ori o alternativa prevazuta de lege pentru evitarea angajarii in orice fel a raspunderii Furnizorului.
7.3 In eventualitatea in care COMPARA.RO nu isi indeplineste obligatiile in ceea ce priveste timpul de reparatie, Beneficiarul va fi indreptatit sa solicite exclusiv prelungirea duratei contractuale cu numarul de zile in care functionarea serviciului a fost intrerupta. Prelungirea perioadei contractuale cu un anumit numar de zile se acorda numai la finalul perioadei contractuale. Beneficiarul nu va fi indreptatit sa ceara compensatiile prevazute in cazul in care neindeplinirea vreunei obligatii COMPARA.ROin ceea ce priveste disponibilitatea sau timpul de reparatie, se datoreaza direct sau indirect uneia din urmatoarele cauze:
7.4 COMPARA.RO isi rezerva dreptul de a suspenda accesul Beneficiarului la Servicii, temporar sau definitiv, in cazul in care detine dovezi cu privire la incalcarea de catre Beneficiar a prezentului Contract si/sau a Termenilor si conditiilor de utilizare a Serviciilor, disponibili la adresa http://................................................. Serviciul poate fi suspendat fara notificare prealabila in cazul in care Beneficiarul:
7.5 Folosirea Serviciilor se efectueaza numai de catre Beneficiar pe proprie raspundere, iar accesul publicului la informatie se realizeaza tot pe propria raspundere a Beneficiarului. Serviciile sunt furnizate ca atare pe seama si in numele Beneficiarului, iar COMPARA.RO nu ofera niciun fel de garantii clientilor Beneficiarului in nici o situatie, iar in cazul unor pretentii de orice fel din partea oricaror terti in legatura cu Beneficiarul si informatia postata de acesta da nastere automat obligatiei de garantie integrala, incluzand cheltuieli conexe si accesorii generate de pretentiile avansate.
7.6 COMPARA.RO isi rezerva dreptul sa suspende temporar contul de Utilizator sau sa intrerupa definitiv vizualizarea continutului acestora daca sunt semnalate ca nerespectand prevederile legale, putand constitui dar fara a se limita la - acte de defaimare, amenintare, care contin sau fac referire la pornografie, obscenitate, care incalca drepturile de proprietate intelectuala ale unei alte persoane fizice sau juridice sau care incalca prezentul acord cu privire la Termenii si Conditiile de folosire a site-ului COMPARA.RO si a Serviciilor.
7.7 COMPARA.RO nu pretinde, nu isi aroga si nu detine drepturi de proprietate intelectuala aferente continutului folosit/postat de catre Beneficiar in cadrul Serviciilor. Toate materialele si informatiile se afla in proprietatea Beneficiarului, care este unicul raspunzator pentru continutul acestora.
7.8 Acordarea accesului la serviciile COMPARA.RO nu garanteaza acceptarea in cadrul comparatorului de preturi COMPARA.RO sau in cadrul altor servicii oferite de catre Furnizor.
Art. 8 Obligatiile Beneficiarului
8.1 Beneficiarul se obliga:
Art. 9 Returnarea contravalorii platilor efectuate
9.1 In orice situatie de restrictionare a serviciului pentru incalcarea de catre Beneficiar a oricarei obligatii contractuale listate in special la Art. 7.4 si Art 8.1 litera f) – o), insa fara a se limita la acestea, Beneficiarul nu are dreptul sa solicite despagubiri sau returnarea valorii contractului, indiferent de urmarile pe care le-ar putea avea restrictionarea de la folosirea Serviciilor.
9.2 Furnizorul ofera garantia returnarii contravalorii primei plati efectuate de catre Beneficiar, in termen de maxim 15 zile de la incasarea acesteia. Returnarea contravalorii primei plati nu va fi efectuata de catre Furnizor decat pe baza prezentului contract, incheiat/agreat intre Furnizor si Beneficiar.
Art. 10 Modificarea Termenilor si Conditiilor de utilizare a Serviciilor
10.1 Termenii si conditiile de utilizare a Serviciilor, disponibili la adresa http://........................................., fac parte integranta din prezentul Contract. Furnizorul si rezerva dreptul de a modifica in orice moment continutul Termenilor si Conditiilor de utilizare a Serviciilor, fara notificarea prealabila a Beneficiarului sau persoanelor care le utilizeaza. Utilizatorii vor avea acces permanent la termenii si conditiile pentru utilizarea Serviciilor, pentru a le putea consulta in orice moment. Orice noi functionalitati, instrumente, facilitati sau restrictii care sunt dezvoltate si aplicate pentru imbunatatirea Serviciilor, fac de asemenea obiectul prezentului Contract. Modificarile cu privire la tarife, modalitati si termene de plata devin efective in termen de 7 zile lucratoare de la publicarea acestora. Orice alte modificari ale Termenilor si conditiilor de utilizare a Serviciilor devin efective imediat, odata cu publicarea acestora la adresa http://.................................
10.2 Utilizarea Serviciilor (accesul, navigarea si inregistrarea unui cont de Beneficiar, crearea unui magazin) constituie un acord direct, deplin si neconditionat de respectare a Termenilor si Conditiilor de utilizare si a prezentului Contract, cu toate efectele si consecintele ce decurg din acesta. In cazul in care Beneficiarul nu este de acord cu modificarile aduse Termenilor si conditiilor de utilizare a Serviciilor, Beneficiarul isi poate in orice moment anula contul, in caz contrar considerandu-se ca modificarile au fost pe deplin acceptate.
Art. 11 Accesul la Serviciile
11.1 COMPARA.RO va acorda permisiunea de utilizare a site-ului si a Serviciilor sub conditia respectarii urmatorilor Termeni de folosinta:
11.2 Accesarea si utilizarea Serviciilor necesita crearea unui cont de Utilizator. Prin prezenta, Beneficiarul declara ca isi asuma integral responsabilitatea pentru toate si oricare dintre activitatile realizate prin intermediul contului pe care il deschide pe website.
11.3 Sistemul poate contine linkuri, spoturi sau bannere publicitare cu legaturi catre alte site-uri, care nu sunt proprietatea si nici nu se afla sub controlul COMPARA.RO. COMPARA.RO nu isi asuma responsabilitatea pentru continutul, politica, practicile sau regulile instituite de oricare alt site si recomanda Beneficiarului luarea la cunostinta despre termenii si conditiile de utilizare pentru fiecare dintre site-urile vizitate dupa parasirea site-ului
Art. 12 Politici referitoare la Widget-urile
12.1 Utilizatorii care isi creeaza, folosesc si/sau publica un Widget, incluzand widget-ul MiniShop, sunt obligati sa adere la politicile urmatoare. Ne rezervam dreptul de a suspenda conturile Compara.rocare nu respecta aceste politici si/sau de a dezactiva widget-urile Compara.roin orice moment.
12.2 Deoarece politicile pot fi modificate in timp, Utilizatorii trebuie sa verifice regulat pagina, pentru a fi la curent cu aparitia unor eventuale actualizari sau modificari. In conformitate cu Termenii si conditiile, este responsabilitatea si obligatia Utilizatorului sa fie informat si sa adere la politicile in vigoare.
12.3 Utilizatorii nu au voie sa plaseze widget-urile, incluzand widget-ul MiniShop, in pagini cu continut care incalca oricare dintre urmatoarele reguli privind continutul.
12.4 Site-urile pe care widget-urile Compara.rosun publicate, nu au voie sa includa sau sa faca trimitere la:
12.5 Site-urile pe care widget-urile Compara.rosunt publicate trebuie sa adere la standardele de calitate web global acceptate si respectate, incluzand dar nelimitandu-se la:
Art. 13 Anularea si stergerea contului de Utilizator
13.1 Utilizatorii isi pot anula oricand contul. Odata cu anularea unui cont de utilizator, magazinele online asociate acestuia nu mai sunt vizibile. Conturile de utilizator anulate, magazinele online asociate si toate informatiile corespunzatoare acestora vor fi sterse automat, in cazul in care contul de utilizator nu este reactivat in termen de maxim 1 luna de la data anularii. Pentru reactivarea contului de utilizator este necesara autentificarea in cont si exprimarea acceptului cu privire la aceasta actiune.
13.2 poate suspenda sau sterge acele conturi de Utilizator, asupra carora exista suspiciuni cu privire la desfasurarea de activitati frauduloase sau ilicite, pe baza utilizarii Serviciilor oferite de
13.3 Administratorul site-ului poate suspenda sau sterge acele conturi de Utilizator care au incalcat integral sau partial prevederile prezentului Contract si Termenii si Conditiile de utilizare a Serviciilor
Art. 14 Excluderea unor garantii
14.1 nu garanteaza ca:
14.2 Serviciilor nu li se vor aplica niciun fel de conditii, garantii sau orice alti termeni (inclusiv orice termeni impliciti cu privire la calitatea, compatibilitatea satisfacatoare in conformitate cu descrierea), cu exceptia celor prevazuti in mod explicit in prezentul acord.
Art. 15 Confidentialitatea informatiilor
15.1 Fiecare parte va asigura confidentialitatea tuturor informatiilor (incusiv termenii si conditiile prezentului contract) si a documentatiei, inclusiv, dar fara a se limita la, informatiile referitoare la activitatea comerciala sau secrete de comert ori profesionale, procese, know-how, etc. sau metode folosite de cealalta parte in desfasurarea activitatii, obtinute de la cealalta parte in urma sau in legatura cu prezentul contract. Pentru a proteja drepturile si interesele celeilalte parti din prezentul contract, o parte poate dezvalui doar acele informatii confidentiale referitoare la cealalta parte care sunt solicitate de personalul propriu autorizat sau cel al societatilor autorizate in scopul realizarii prezentului contract ori autoritatilor la cerere si chiar si prin efectul legii.
15.2 Fiecare dintre parti consimte: ca nu va folosi nicio informatie confidentiala referitoare la cealalta parte in niciun alt scop decat pentru indeplinirea unei obligatii a sa rezultata din prezentul contract sau pentru exercitarea unor drepturi nascute din prezentul Contract; ca nu va copia si nu va dezvalui nicio informatie confidentiala unei terte parti fara consimtamantul scris al reprezentantului autorizat al celeilalte parti. Cu toate acestea, ambele parti au voie sa dezvaluie informatii referitoare la prezentul contract reprezentantilor autorizati ai societatilor asociate, inclusiv celor care le ofera acestora asistenta in privinta prezentului contract, sub rezerva asumarii obligatiilor de confidentialitate corespunzatoare.
15.3 Prevederile prezentului capitol nu se aplica informatiilor confidentiale in privinta carora destinatarul poate demonstra, in favoarea partii care a facut dezvaluirea, ca:
Art. 16 Limitarea raspunderii
16.1 Partile sunt de acord ca informatiile si serviciile reglementate prin acest contract sa fie furnizate "asa cum sunt", fara nicio garantie de orice fel.
16.2 Sub rezerva prevederilor clauzei 16.3, niciuna dintre parti nu va fi tinuta sa raspunda, in nicio situatie, pentru pagube speciale, accidentale, colaterale, indirecte sau punitive, pierderea veniturilor sau profiturilor, pierderea castigurilor, pierderea afacerii, pierderea fondului de comert, pierderea tranzactilor, pierderea de date, pierderea folosintei unei proprietati, costurile executarii obligatiilor prin substituirea persoanelor, a echipamentelor sau servicilor si costuri de timp mort, indiferent de cum s-au produs aceste situatii, si fie ca sunt produse din culpa (inclusiv neglijenta), prin incalcarea obligatiilor contractuale sau din orice alte motive, si indiferent daca puteau fi prevazute sau nu in mod rezonabil la data contractarii.
16.3 Nicio prevedere a articolului 16 nu va exclude sau nu va limita raspunderea Beneficiarului in ceea ce priveste:
16.4 Nicio prevedere din prezentul contract nu exclude sau nu limiteaza raspunderea oricareia dintre parti:
16.5 Beneficiarul va despagubi si va exonera de orice raspundere pentru orice actiuni, pierderi, costuri, pagube, pedepse, cheltuieli, taxe (inclusiv taxe judiciare suportate si/sau la plata carora este obligat, actiuni in justitie, reclamatii sau cereri care au orice legatura cu prezentul Contract aduse impotriva sau cu care este amenintat de catre un tert si care rezulta din utilizarea de catre Beneficiar a Serviciilor, sau din orice actiune sau omisiune intentionata sau neglijenta din partea Beneficiarului. Beneficiarul ii va acorda de asemenea, exclusiv pe cheltuiala Beneficiarului, imputernicire deplina, informatiile si asistenta rezonabil necesara pentru apararea, rezolvarea sau solutionarea unor asemenea pretentii.
16.6 sau colaboratorii acestuia nu isi asuma in niciun caz responsabilitatea pentru pierderi de ordin financiar sau comercial, si pentru nicio pierdere indirecta sau pe cale de consecinta pe care o poate suferi Utilizatorul. Acestea includ orice pierderi de profit (indiferent daca sunt suferite direct sau indirect), orice pierdere de patrimoniu sau privind reputatia firmei, sau orice pierdere de date suferita.
16.7 nu este raspunzator pentru pierderile sau stergerile de informatii survenite in urma actiunilor directe sau indirecte efectuate de Utilizatori asupra datelor. In cazul in care informatiile, in functie de natura lor, pot fi recuperate, operatiunea de recuperare revine exclusiv in sarcina Utilizatorilor. Recuperarea informatiilor poate fi realizata de Utilizatori in termen de maxim 72 de ore de la stergere, folosind optiunile existente in cont. nu garanteaza posibilitatea de recuperare pentru toate informatiile pierdute si nu garanteaza integritatea datelor obtinute in urma operatiunii de recuperare.
16.8 sau colaboratorii acestuia nu vor fi raspunzatori pentru orice pierdere sau prejudiciu suportat de Utilizatori, ca urmare a:
Art. 17 Disponibilitatea serviciului
17.1 isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica structura si interfata oricarei pagini sau subpagini a website-ului in orice moment si de a intrerupe temporar sau permanent, partial sau in totalitate Serviciile puse la dispozitia publicului prin intermediul acestui website, urmand sa onoreze toate obligatiile contractuale aflate in derulare, pana la expirarea planurilor de servicii contra-cost deja achizitionate.
Art. 18 Cesiunea
18.1 Cu exceptia prevederilor de mai jos, atat cat si Beneficiarul nu au dreptul de a cesiona, subcontracta, sublicentia sau instraina sau de transfera in orice alt mod unul sau toate drepturile ori obligatiile sale din prezentul contract catre orice terti, in general.
18.2 Oricare dintre parti poate cesiona, nova ori transfera in orice mod permis de legea aplicabila oricare dintre drepturile sau obligatiile sale din prezentul Contract uneia dintre societatile asociate (sau succesorilor sai ori ai acestora, prin fuziune sau prin achizitionarea tuturor activelor sale ori ale acestora), cu acordul prealabil in scris al celeilalte parti (care nu va fi refuzat sau intarziat in mod nejustificat).
18.3 poate subcontracta oricare sau toate obligatiile sale din prezentul Contract catre o terta parte, cu conditia ca sa asigure indeplinirea intocmai de catre tert a obligatiilor sale asumate fata de Beneficiar.
Art. 19 Drepturile asupra proprietatii intelectuale
19.1 Sub rezerva restrictiilor si termenilor prezentati in contract, Compara.roacorda Beneficiarului o licenta ne-exclusiva, ne-transferabila pentru utilizarea programelor software, echipamentului sau a altor materiale furnizate in baza sau in legatura cu Contractul numai si in masura in care este necesar pentru utilizarea Serviciilor furnizate in baza acestuia.
19.2 Toate drepturile asupra proprietatii intelectuale pentru orice software, patente, echipamente sau alte materiale inclusiv documentatia, furnizate Beneficiarului in baza sau in legatura cu Contractul, sunt si vor fi detinute numai de Compara.rosau de furnizorii sai.
19.3 Compara.rova face eforturi rezonabile pentru a se asigura, fara a-si asuma o obligatie de garantie, ca folosirea de catre Beneficiar a programelor software, echipamentului sau altor materiale furnizate de Compara.roin legatura cu Serviciile nu va incalca drepturile de proprietate sau drepturile de proprietate intelectuala apartinand unui tert.
Art. 20 Informatii legate de marca
20.1 Denumirea si sigla sunt marci inregistrate ale SC BANNER PC SRL. Marcile SC BANNER PC SRL SRL nu pot fi afisate sau utilizate sub nicio forma fara acordul expres al proprietarului de drept.
Art. 21 Incetarea contractului
21.1 Contractul poate inceta (i) in cazul in care Beneficiarul renunta la folosirea serviciilor, prin anularea definitiva a contului sau (ii) daca oricare dintre Parti intra in incapacitate de plata si/sau sunt declansate proceduri pentru declararea falimentului, dizolvarea si/sau lichidarea sa.
21.2 Compara.roisi rezerva dreptul de a rezilia Contractul pentru neexecutarea sau executarea necorespunzatoare de catre Beneficiar a oricarei obligatii asumate prin prezentul contract. Contractul se considera reziliat de drept printr-o notificare, fara indeplinirea altor formalitati prealabile, rezilierea intervenind cu efect imediat de la data comunicarii si fara a fi necesara interventia instantei.
Art. 22 Notificari / Comunicari
22.1 Orice comunicare ce urmeaza a fi efectuata in legatura cu aspectele reglementate prin acest Contract va fi trimisa folosindu-se datele de identificare cuprinse in prezentul Contract sau in cazul unor modificari, datele actualizate din contul Beneficiarului.
22.2 Beneficiarul accepta si este de acord sa primeasca prin posta sau posta electronica comunicari sau alte mesaje tehnice, comerciale sau de natura informativa din partea
22.3 Toate notificarile si corespondenta vor fi facute in scris si transmise prin posta, posta electronica sau fax. Astfel de notificari vor fi considerate primite daca:
Art. 23 Prevederi speciale
23.1 Semnarea prezentului contract nu implica stabilirea unui raport comercial de natura exclusiva intre Compara.rosi Beneficiar.
23.2 Benficiarul accepta si este de acord sa nu i se acorde niciun drept de utilizare a niciunui element din instalatii, din facilitatile de functionare sau din alta infrastructura folosite sau puse la dispozitie de Compara.ropentru furnizarea de Servicii, altul decat dreptul de utilizare a Serviciilor, asa cum este acesta descris in Contract. Beneficiarul nu va primi niciun drept sau titlu cu privire la retea sau o parte din retea, instalatii sau echipament detinuta sau utilizata de Compara.ropentru a oferi Servicii.
Art. 24 Penalitati
24.1 Orice intarziere a platii, care depaseste cu mai mult de 14 zile termenul de plata inscris pe factura proforma sau in anexa la factura fiscala daca aceasta a fost emisa, obliga Beneficiarul sa plateasca o taxa de penalizare de 0,10% pe zi din valoarea acesteia.
Art. 25 Forta majora
25.1 Forta majora exonereaza de raspundere partea care o invoca, in conditiile legii, cu cerinta notificarii partenerului contractual.
25.2 Orice eveniment independent de vointa partilor, imprevizibil si insurmontabil, aparut dupa incheierea contractului si care impiedica partile sa execute total sau partial obligatiile contractuale, va fi considerat caz de forta majora.
25.3 Partea care invoca forta majora are obligatia sa o aduca la cunostinta celeilalte parti, in scris, in maximum 5 (cinci) zile de la aparitie, iar dovada fortei majore, impreuna cu avertizarea asupra efectelor si intinderii posibile a fortei majore, se va comunica in maximum 15 (cincisprezece) zile de la aparitie. Data de referinta este data stampilei postei de expediere. Partea care invoca forta majora are obligatia sa aduca la cunostinta celeilalte parti incetarea cauzei in maximum 5 (cinci) zile de la incetare. Daca aceste imprejurari si consecintele lor dureaza mai mult de 3 luni, fiecare partener contractual poate renunta la executarea contractului pe mai departe. In acest caz, niciuna din parti nu are dreptul de a cere despagubiri de la cealalta parte, dar ele au indatorirea de a-si onora toate obligatiile pana la aceasta data.
Art. 26 Dispozitii finale
26.1 Prezentul contract va putea fi completat, interpretat sau modificat doar prin act aditional acceptat de reprezentantii legali ai ambelor parti.
26.2 Orice renuntare la orice drept sau remediu in baza prezentului Contract trebuie sa fie facuta in scris. Cu exceptia cazului in care se stipuleaza in mod expres altfel, orice renuntare va fi efectiva numai in cazul si scopul pentru care este data.
26.3 Fiecare dintre prevederile prezentului contract este independenta, in consecinta, daca orice astfel de prevedere este sau devine nula sau nu poate fi pusa in executare in orice privinta potrivit legii, aceasta nu va afecta valabilitatea sau punerea in executare a celorlalte prevederi ale contractului, iar partile vor depune toate eforturile rezonabile pentru a negocia cu buna-credinta in vederea inlocuirii acesteia cu una sau mai multe prevederi satisfacatoare pentru orice autoritate competenta in materie.
26.4 Oricare persoana care accepta prezentul contract in numele uneia dintre parti, declara si garanteaza ca a fost pe deplin imputernicita si ca au fost intreprinse toate masurile necesare exprimarii unui consimtamant valabil in numele partii pe care o reprezinta.
26.5 Orice litigiu decurgand din sau in legatura cu acest contract, inclusiv referitor la incheierea, executarea ori desfiintarea lui, se va solutiona prin arbitrajul Curtii de Arbitraj Comercial International de pe langa Camera de Comert si Industrie a Romaniei in conformitate cu Regulamentul de organizare si functionare al Curtii, cu Regulile de procedura ale acestei Curti, cu art. 4 al Conventiei Europene de arbitraj comercial si international incheiata la Geneva la 21 aprilie 1961 excluzand instantele obisnuite.
26.6 Completul de arbitraj este format dintr-un arbitru desemnat in conditiile procedurilor aplicabile.
26.7 Decizia data in arbitraj va fi finala, obligatorie si executorie.
Art.1 Parties:
SC.BANNER PC company with headquarters in Bucharest Ciresului street no.25, 2nd District RC J40 / 4859/2000 with CIF RO 13,039,738, represented by Dan Banner - Director General, as hereinafter COMPARA.RO Provider,
SC ........................ .. SRL, with headquartered in Bucharest street no ... ........District , with CIF RO RC .............................. ............... ........., represented by ................ - Director General, as Beneficiary,
"Contract" – this agreement between the Parties , which can availably end only in Romanian language.
"Accept Bid" - Completion by the Beneficiary of the process of creating an account on
"Order Form" - an electronic document that appears as a form of communication between the Providers and the Beneficiary by which, at the Beneficiary's request, the Supplier agrees to provide the requested services and the Beneficiary agrees to receive these services and to pay for them, if they opted for a tariff plan. The order is considered finalized and will take effect when the acceptance of the offer reaches COMPARA.RO for the free services, and since the acceptance of the offer including the effective payment of the price of chosen tariff services reached COMPARA.RO.
"Services"- activities provided by the Supplier at the request and in the interest of the Beneficiary, activities that consist of listing Beneficiary’s products on , display of promotional banners on home page / pages of categories / subcategories of product;
"Appendix / Order Appendices" - Any act subsequent to the order is an integral part of this contract;
"Planned Downtime" - is the routine maintenance works or upgrading works that may affect the availability of the Service.
"Notification" - written announcement sent by email or posted on any other electronic media of any planned interruption which will affect service availability. COMPARA.RO will make reasonable efforts to forward such a notification to the client at least 1 working day before.
"Parties" –The parties that signed the contract, namely the Beneficiary and COMPARA.RO
"Tariff plan" - pay related cost structure representing the payment of a chosen service package , including a certain number of functional options chosen, as found on the page http: // .............. ........................................ and may be updated without notice. Any change in the contract price will be communicated separately and individually to the Beneficiary if necessary. The tariff plan for the Contract can be found in the order appendices.
"Support" - COMPARA.RO center for technical support available Monday through Friday, between 10.00 - 18.30 (GMT + 2), telephone, email address or through the contact form located at http: // ............................................. ......
"Normal use" - the use of services, according to the chosen tariff plan, solely for the purpose for which it was provided by the Supplier, within capabilities and options available in the system, according to the terms and conditions of use and subject to the provisions of this Contract.
"Terms of Use" - rules of conduct and use of services by the Employer, regularly updated version available on the website http: // ................. ..................... /, http: // ..................... .............................. and that can be updated, modified in any way, without notice.
"Widget" - application or component of a software interface that allows performing a certain function or accessing a service.
Art.2.The Object of the Contract
2.1 The Object of the Contract is the provision by COMPARA.RO of the following services in the interest of the Beneficiary, under the terms and conditions of this Contract:
• Listing of products according to datafeed submitted by the client
• Posting of the client’s advertising banners on this page chosen according to availability and according to the chosen tariff subscription.
2.2 This Agreement replaces in its entirety any other contract / agreement previously entered into between the Provider and the Beneficiary for services of the kind mentioned in the present contract, Art. 2.1, but does not cancel the outstanding payment obligations and penalties for prior services rendered, nor does it constitute waiver of debts.
Art. 3 Duration of contract
3.1 This Agreement shall come into force:
a) In the case of free services - from the moment the approval of the offer reached COMPARA.RO, and
b) For services chargeable under tariff plans - from the moment the approval of the offer which includes the effective payment of chosen tariff services reached COMPARA.RO.
3.2 This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period and expires if the beneficiary quits using COMPARA.RO services through permanent account cancellation or if the Provider definitively cancels Beneficiary’s access to the Services as a result of breach by the Beneficiary of the provisions of this Contract.
3.3 Provision of paid services will cease with the expiry of the plan / service plans ordered / chosen mentioned by the Employer and mentioned in the Appendices of the order.
3.4 If, at the expiry of the tariff plan ordered the Beneficiary does not choose a new order to continue using the package / bundled services, mentioned in the Appendices to control and chosen under this Contract or to change the latter with another paid for package, through the appropriate selection performed on the website http: // ........... .................................................. ......................... /, section http: // ................. .................................................. ..., then the Beneficiary will be automatically allocated the free tariff plan that provides access to a limited number of functional options, until the performance of a new selection.
Art. 4. Location of the activities stipulated in the contract
4.1 The activities under this contract will take place at provider’s headquarters or work points.
Art. 5 The contract
5.1 Prices for services are exclusively those set forth in Appendices of the ordered accepted and used by the Beneficiary by order. Prices for services provided in the order forms Appendices and on page http: // .................................. ................. do not include VAT. Payment is considered made when the correct amount of money, exempt / free of any bank charges, fees or any other charges / deductions, has received into the Provider’s account
Art. 6 Time limits and payment
6.1 Following the order sent to purchase a service plan, it will be issued an invoice to be paid in advance by money order or through one of the means of payment provided by the Provider to the Beneficiary. For fast processing it is required enrollment invoice number in the bank payment order. Subsequently, within 5 days from receiving payment, COMPARA.RO will issue an invoice to the beneficiary, in accordance with the pro forma invoice. The Beneficiary will receive access to appropriate services of the purchased plan as soon as payment is acknowledged.
Art. 7 Supplier’s Duties
7.1 COMPARA.RO feels bound to:
1. Provide access to the Beneficiary to functional options needed to create and manage store / shop online according to plan / tariff plan selected by the Beneficiary.
2. Endeavour to continuously provide services with minimum interruptions, except for planned interruptions and except that some delays or other malfunctions of this may be due to causes beyond the control and intervention possibility for compare .RO (providers of access to the Internet, electricity, etc.).
3. Create the technical conditions reasonably possible, reasonably customary and a minimum of requirement, without being duty bound for full guarantees for a good protection against attempted fraud.
4. Correct any defect claimed in writing by the Beneficiary, in no time, if the complaint is reported and registered with the support center COMPARA.RO. Formulation and registering of the complaint does not exempt the Beneficiary to pay for the services on which it is committed under the contract. Faults are considered to be repaired in the event of full or partial fixes, whenever the delivery /continuity of the service is provided.
Any complaints about the operation of the Service will be sent to the email address or via the contact form located at http: // .................. ..................
COMPARA.RO undertakes to remedy technical faults occurring in its network operation, so as to ensure the supply / service continuity, within 2 working days from the date of their registration, as specified in this Article.
5. Ensure the confidentiality of the Beneficiary access passwords and address technical issues that interfere with normal operation of the service, the duties incumbent to COMPARA.RO (technical problems of the system, improper aspects on availability).
6. Provide the Beneficiary with the present contract signed/ agreed, in its user account. The contract signed is stored by COMPARA.RO in its information system.
7. Provide the Beneficiary, prior to purchasing a tariff plan, the option to change the identification data previously entered by them or by making the changes directly to the Provider upon the written request of the Beneficiary or by allowing modification of such data by the Beneficiary from account or any other technical means which can provide appropriate adjustment to the identification data of the Beneficiary.
7.2 COMPARA.RO does not have the right to edit text or photo content added by the beneficiary in his account without his consent, except where a request for modification including the lock is submitted by institutions or bodies authorized or it is an obligation or alternative required by law in order to avoid any liability to Supplier.
7.3 In the event that COMPARA.RO fails to fulfill its obligations regarding repair time, the Beneficiary shall be entitled to request exclusive contract extension with the number of days that service was discontinued from operation. Extension of the contract period with a certain number of days is granted only at the end of the contract period. The beneficiary will not be entitled to compensation provided in case of any failure COMPARA.RO in obligations regarding availability or repair time is due directly or indirectly to one of the following reasons:
1. Mistake, negligence or operational errors of the Beneficiary, employees or clients of the Beneficiary ;
2. Infringement by the Beneficiary of the terms and conditions of use of the service, available at http: // ............................ ................
3. Any intervention of the Beneficiary in the applications running on the server, which can affect the functionality of the server, network COMPARA.RO or any part thereof;
4. Planned interruption.
7.4 COMPARA.RO reserves the right to suspend access to the Services Recipient, temporarily or permanently, if that holds evidence of the violation by the Beneficiary of this Agreement and / or the terms and conditions of use of the Services, available at http: // .............................................. ... Service may be suspended without notice if the Beneficiary:
1. Carries out one of the activities provided in Art. 8.1, paragraph f);
2. Carries out activities that affect the proper functioning of the services offered by COMPARA.RO to other clients.
7.5 The use of the Services is done only by the Beneficiary on their own responsibility, and public access to information is done on their own responsibility of the Beneficiary as well. Services are provided on behalf of itself and on behalf of the Beneficiary, and COMPARA.RO does not offer any guarantees to Beneficiary’s customers in any circumstances, and in case of any claims of any kind by any third parties in connection with the recipient and the information posted by him automatically create full warranty obligations, including expenses and accessories arising from forwarded claims .
7.6 COMPARA.RO reserves the right to temporarily suspend User's account or permanently discontinue viewing their content if reported as not respecting the law, which can be, but not limited to - acts of defamation, threat, which contain or refer to pornography, obscenity, that violates the intellectual property rights of another individual or entity or violates this Agreement on Terms and Conditions for use of website COMPARA.RO and Services.
7.7 COMPARA.RO neither claims nor pretends or has intellectual property rights related to the content used / posted by the Employer in the Services. All materials and information are the property of the Beneficiary, who is solely responsible for their content.
7.8 Providing access to services COMPARA.RO does not guarantee acceptance for the price comparator COMPARA.RO or other services provided by the Supplier.
Art. 8 Obligations of the Employer
8.1 Beneficiary undertakes:
1. To comply with the terms and conditions of use of the service made available at http: // .............................. .........................
2. Not to use the services contrary to practices in the field, self-regulation, or legislation, or to use working methods that directly or indirectly affect or violate the rights and interests of third parties.
3. Use normally and honestly the service for lawful purposes licit trade and commerce. The beneficiary will not undertake or allow any actions that now jeopardize network security and system COMPARA.RO or those belonging to third parties, or in any way contrary to the normal use of the Services. In these cases, the responsibility for any and all damages sought by third parties belong exclusively to the Beneficiary.
4. To pay for fees / service packages mentioned in the pro forma invoices, according to Art.5 and Art.6.
5. Assume responsibility for maintaining security in terms of usernames, passwords and other confidential information. If there is any suspicion that this information is compromised, the Beneficiary must request a change of login details by contacting, in writing, to this end, technical support service at or through the contact form located at http: / / ................................................. ...........
6. Not to use COMPARA.RO system and / or service under any circumstances and in any circumstances for hosting or communication of, reference to or by none (none) of the following content:
1. Nudity, pornography of any kind, any image or text with sexual content, or obscene;
2. Violation of intellectual property rights and copyright and / or related in particular or any other right or interest of any party;
3. Threatening, abuse, harassing, defamatory statements, etc ;
4. Promotion of illegal activities such as phishing, spoofing, proxy, hacking, sniffing, warez (mp3, avi, etc; the provision of music or movies), etc;
5. Any image or text designed to encourage xenophobia;
6. Personal Information and / or private for use for illegal purposes;
7. Any content deemed by the Supplier as harmful.
7..Not facilitate or undertake sending unsolicited commercial messages (spam) to promote any site, service or product, using or through third party servers promoting any website hosted on the server. In the event of such actions, which are considered by COMPARA.RO as spam and contrary to the legislation in force, access to services will be suspended, and the responsibility rests solely with the user and the company, individual or individuals holding authorized store online at fault / promoted.
8. Assume full responsibility and repair any damage caused to any third party prejudiced by any of the prohibited acts indicated in paragraphs f) and g) above.
9. provide current, real and valid identity of the company, the natural person or natural person authorized owns and operates the online store (company name, registration number with the Trade Registry, Tax Identification Code, Code number, number telephone, email address etc.) and managing the account identity of the user, as required in the registration process or in other sections of the website. Users undertake to maintain and modify this information as needed to keep it current, complete and accurate. If the information regarding the identity of the company, the natural person or natural person authorized owns and operates the online store or information regarding the identity of the representative who manages the user account is found to be incorrect or false, access to the Services will be suspended to remedy the situation.
10. Ensure the authenticity or validity of the information presented in the store created. In case of doubt of the authenticity or validity of this information, regardless of its nature or its benchmarks, COMPARA.RO reserves the right to suspend access to the Services.
11. Take responsibility for any activities undertaken on the basis of services provided by COMPARA.RO and the entire contents loaded into the account COMPARA.RO recipient of services, regardless of the consequences that these actions or content you might have. COMPARA.RO is not responsible for the content published by the Beneficiary nor is it responsible for their actions, regardless of their nature.
12. Not to sell their products unlawfully as they appear mentioned by the law. Now any activity that could be deemed illegal will entail suspension of access to services.
13. Not to use domains or subfields that contain improperly Trademarks not belonging to the Recipient or violates another party's legal rights and to not use domains or subfields that can be considered directly or indirectly as: slander, abusive, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, harassing, licentious language, discrimination, racism, but not limited to them. Failure to do so will lead to suspension of access to services, and the responsibility rests solely with the Beneficiary and trade company which owns the online store at fault.
14...Take responsibility for the content of the materials you post. By posting beneficiary claims and warrants that:
1. Is the holder / owner of the material posted or holds a permit or has obtained consent or permission to use this material in any way and thus can dispose of it by including reproduction, distribution's website and on any media channels;
2. Owns consent, authorization of each identifiable person, visual or auditory materials posted on the website in content to use the image and / or voice its website, implicit in public contexts, and on any media channels, the conditions and limits set in this document that establishes the terms and conditions of the website;
3. Will not post material which by their contents are defamatory and that directly or indirectly could harm COMPARA.RO site or any third person or entity;
4. Not post obscene or pornographic materials (such as explicit sexual acts, explicit frontal nudity, etc.) or scenes of violence or human rights violations urging recognized by the Romanian legislation and / or treated by international conventions;
5. Not post material whose content could affect the integrity and human dignity that are defamatory, threatening, harassing, violent, that incite hatred or discrimination against a group by race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation;
6. Not post material whose content promotes any illegal activities such as but not limited to unauthorized gambling;
7. Classifies as "not recommended to persons under 18" material deemed inappropriate for viewing by minors;
8. Avoid any circumstance to use the identity of another real person. Identity theft is punished under the laws in force;
9..By uploading images and product descriptions for use of the Services, agrees that they become public and provide them access to all Internet users.
15. Not to use any automated system to repeatedly send requests to servers COMPARA.RO and any of which could cause malfunction or slow its operation.
Art. 9. Return the counter payments made
9.1 In any restriction of service for violation by Customer of any obligations specifically listed in Art. 7.4 and Art 8.1 point f) - a), but without limitation, shall not be entitled to compensation or the return value of the contract, regardless of the consequences it may have restriction of the use of the Services.
9.2 The provider offering pay-back guarantee consideration received by beneficiaries, within maximum 15 days after receiving it. Return consideration received payments will be made by the Supplier only on the basis of this agreement, signed / agreed between the Provider and Employer.
Art. 10 Modification of Terms and Conditions for use of the Services
10.1 The terms and conditions of use of the Services, available at http: // .................................. ......., are part of this Agreement. Supplier and reserves the right to modify at any time the content of the Terms and Conditions for use of the Services, without notice to the Beneficiary or persons using them. Users will have permanent access to the terms and conditions for using the Services, to consult them at any time. Any new features, tools, facilities or restrictions that are developed and used to improve services, are also subject to this Agreement. Changes in rates, methods and payment terms become effective within 7 working days of publication. Any changes to the Terms and Conditions for use of services is effective immediately, with the publication at http: // ......................... ........
10.2 Use of the Services (access, browsing and registering an account Beneficiary, creating a store) is a direct agreement. Fully and unconditionally comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and with all the effects and consequences arising from there. If the Beneficiary does not agree with the modifications to the Terms and Conditions for use of the Services, the Beneficiary can cancel their account at any time, otherwise considering that the changes were fully supported.
Art. 11 Access to services
11.1 COMPARA.RO will grant permission to use the Site and Services subject to compliance with the following terms of use.
1. All users with legal person status, authorized individuals or individuals eligible for services
2. Copying or partial copying is forbidden ,as well as distribution of any part or section of the website regardless of storage medium where copying is done and copying for distribution or other purposes;
3. It is forbidden any intervention that could cause malfunctioning of the website and services, even temporarily, without prior authorization obtained in writing from
4. Any alteration or modification of any part of the website is forbidden , except those modifications or alterations, reasonably incurred as a necessity to properly use the Website and Services for the purpose for which they were created;
5. It is forbidden any action that adversely affects the fair, reasonable and permissible activities to other users or intimidates, harasses or verbally or visually assaults other users of the Site and of the Services, including accessing and using personal accounts of other users;
6. It is forbidden any action even by omission or activity that might facilitate or encourage actions that violate the terms and conditions contained in this document or the legal provisions applicable to the legal development of specific activities;
7. It is forbidden any action that may affect and interfere with the security features of the site, with elements that prevent or restrict use or copying of content or elements that reinforce the limits of use of the website or its contents;
8. If a user account holder never logged in over more than 6 months, your user account will be temporarily suspended and online stores associated with that account will no longer be visible. It will restore access to the following services with user authentication and account holder's permission account in this respect;
9. Any violation of this Agreement will result in suspension of access to services Users are not entitled to compensation or return of the amounts paid even in advance, regardless of the consequences restriction of the use of Services may have.
11.2 Access to and use of the Services requires creating a user account. I hereby declare that the Beneficiary assumes full responsibility for all and any activities conducted through the account that they open on the website.
11.3 may contain links, commercials or banner ads with links to other sites that are neither owned by nor under the control of COMPARA.RO. COMPARA.RO is not responsible for the content, policies, practices or guidelines imposed by any other site and recommends that the Beneficiary inform about the terms and conditions of use for each of the sites visited after leaving the site
Art. 12 Policies on widgets
12.1 Users who create, use, and / or post a Widget, including widget mini shop, are bound to adhere to the following policies. We reserve the right to suspend accounts which do not comply with these policies and / or disable widgets any time.
12.2 Since policies can be modified over time, users should regularly check page to be updated with the appearance of any updates or changes. In accordance with the terms and conditions , it is the responsibility and obligation of User to be informed of and adhere to policies in force.
12.3 Users are not permitted to place widgets including mini shop widget in pages with content that violates any of these rules on the content.
12.4 Sites on which widgets are published may not include or make reference to:
1. Pornographic or adult content;
2. Violence;
3. Content related to racial intolerance or advocacy against any individual, group or organization;
4. Excessive rudeness;
5. Content related to hacking;
6. Contents of gambling or casinos;
7. Contents of prohibited drugs and items used for consumption or production of drug concealment;
8. The sale of beer or spirits;
9. The sale of tobacco or tobacco products including ethno botanical and any other substances assimilated by law;
10. The sale of nonprescription drugs;
11. Sales or promotion of weapons or ammunition (e.g. Firearms, firearm components, fighting knives, stun guns);
12. The sale of products that are replicas or imitations of branded products;
13. The sale or distribution dissertation or essays for students;
14. Content on the programs which compensate users for clicking on ads or offers to perform searches, to surf websites or reading emails;
15. Any other content that is illegal or immoral or that promotes illegal or immoral activities or violates the rights and lawful interests of other persons;
12.5 Sites which published widgets must adhere to global web quality standards accepted and respected , including but not limited to:
1. Sites must not use means such as Cloaking or misleading redirects;
2. Sites should not include pages designed to harm users or devices, such as phishing, installing viruses, trojans, or other bad ware;
3. Sites should not be forced to change preferences or user settings, directly to users as spam sites, initiate downloads, include malware or contain pop-ups or pop-unders that interfere Links with site navigation.
Art.13 Canceling and deleting user account
13.1 Users can cancel the account anytime. With the cancellation of a user account associated online stores are no longer visible. User accounts canceled, online stores and all information associated with their corresponding will be deleted automatically, if the user account is not reactivated within maximum one month from the date of cancellation. To reactivate your account you must log in account and express acceptance regarding this action.
13.2 may suspend or remove those user accounts, on which there is suspicion of fraudulent or illegal conduct of activities on the basis of using the Services provided by
13.3 The Site administrator may suspend or delete the accounts of Users who partially or totally violated the provisions of this Agreement and the Terms of Use of the Services
Art. 14 Exclusion of warranties
14.1 does not guarantee that:
1. Use of the Services will meet the needs and expectations of the Beneficiary;
2. Access to and use of the Services will be held permanently in the best conditions, without interruption, malfunction and safely;
14.2 Services will not be applied any conditions, warranties or any other terms (including any implied terms as to the quality, compatibility satisfactory as described), except those explicitly provided in this Agreement.
Art. 15 Confidentiality of information
15.1 Each Party shall ensure the confidentiality of all information (INCLUDING terms and conditions of this contract) and documentation, including but not limited to, information relating to commercial activity or professional or trade secrets, processes, know-how, etc. or methods used by the other side in this activity, obtained from the other party as a result of or in connection with this contract. To protect the rights and interests of the other parties of this contract, a party may disclose confidential information concerning only those from the other side who are authorized or required by their staff at the companies authorized in order to carry out this contract, or authorities on demand and even the effect law.
15.2 Each party agrees: it will not use any confidential information relating to the other party for any purpose other than to fulfill an obligation arising from this Agreement or the exercise of rights arising under this Agreement; they will not copy and will not disclose any confidential information to third parties without the written consent of the authorized representative of the other party. However, both parties are allowed to disclose information relating to this contract to authorized representatives of associated companies, including those who assist them in terms of this contract, subject assuming appropriate confidentiality obligations.
15.3 The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to confidential information in respect of which the recipient can demonstrate in favor of the party who made the disclosure, that:
1. At the time of disclosure it was already known to the Beneficiary (no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of them);
2. After the date of disclosure they are legally purchased by the recipient in good faith from an independent third party, which is not subject to any obligation to maintain the confidentiality of that information;
3. At the time they were fully or disclosure had been made public by other means than by negligence or breach recipient restrictions stipulated in the contract or its appendices;
4. Have been independently acquired by or on behalf of the recipient without access to any of the confidential information;
5. Disclosure is required by law, court actions, organ or other governmental or regulatory authorities;
6. Has been given a written consent for disclosure.
Art. 16. Limitation of Liability
16.1 The parties agree that the information and services covered by this contract be provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.
16.2 Subject to clause 16.3, neither party will be held liable, under any circumstances, for special damages, incidental, collateral, indirect or punitive damages, loss of revenues or profits, loss of revenue, loss of business, loss of goodwill, loss transaction, loss of data, loss of the use of a property, the cost of performing its obligations by substituting persons, apparatus or Services and downtime costs, regardless of how these situations occurred, and whether they are of guilt ( including negligence) by breach of contractual obligations or for any other reason, and whether or not they could be reasonably foreseen at the time of contracting.
16.3 Nothing in Article 16 shall exclude or limit the liability of the beneficiary regarding:
1. Fulfillment of their payment obligations to service in the terms and conditions of this agreement;
2. Degradation, damage in any system, as specified in this contract;
3. Breach of confidentiality obligations and guarantees expressly indicated;
4. Failure to comply with the obligations regarding the proper use of the service.
16.4 Nothing in this agreement excludes or limits the liability of either party
for fraud;
2. In connection with damages relating to intellectual property rights provided for in Chapter 19 below.
16.5 The Beneficiary shall indemnify and exonerate from any liability for any actions, losses, costs, damages, penalties, expenses, fees (including legal fees incurred and / or the payment of which is required, proceedings, complaints or appeals that have any connection with this Agreement or which have been brought against or by which is threatened by a third party and which results from the use by the Recipient of the Services, or any intentional or careless act or omission by the Beneficiary . The beneficiary will also provide the exclusive expense of the Employer, full empowerment, information and reasonable assistance necessary to defend, resolution or settlement of such claims.
16.6 or collaborators in no way assumes any responsibility for the financial or trading loss and for any loss indirect or consequential that a user may suffer. This includes any loss of profit (whether incurred directly or indirectly), any loss of assets or the company's reputation, or any loss of data suffered.
16.7 is not liable for any loss or deletion of information arising directly or indirectly from the actions performed by users of the data. If the information, depending on their nature, can be recovered, the recovery operation is the exclusive task of the users. Recovery information can be made by the user within maximum 72 hours after removal using existing options in mind. does not guarantee the possibility of recovering all lost information and does not guarantee the integrity of data obtained from the recovery operation.
16.8 or its employees cannot be liable for any loss or damage suffered by users as a result of:
1. Any changes that might bring Services or as a result of temporary or permanent interruption of brought by the provision of the Services;
2. Loss, deletion, corruption or any errors or storage of loaded content submitted by the User in the course of using the Services;
3. Failure by users to fulfill the obligation to communicate accurate and authentic exclusively on the identity, contact information and any details about the products offered in the online store (product name, product price, product description, images etc.);
4. Failure by Users to fulfill the obligation to ensure account security and data access.
Art. 17Service availability
17.1 reserves the right to change the structure and interface of any page or subpage website at any time and to discontinue, temporarily or permanently, partially or wholly services available to the public via this website, are due to honor all contractual obligations that are in progress, until the expiration of services against payment plans already purchased.
Art. 18Assignment
18.1 Except the provisions below, and the Beneficiary have the right to assign, subcontract, sublicense or alienate or otherwise transfer any or all of its rights or obligations under this agreement to any third parties generally .
18.2 Either party may assign or transfer in any manner permitted by applicable law any of its rights or obligations hereunder to any of the companies associated (or his or their successors by merger or acquisition of all of its assets or their) with prior written consent of the other party (which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed).
18.3 subcontract any or all of its obligations under this Agreement to a third party, provided that exactly to ensure the fulfillment of its obligations assumed by third parties to the beneficiary.
Art. 19 Intellectual Property Rights
19.1 Subject to the restrictions and terms presented in the contract, provides the Recipient with a non-exclusive license, non-transferable for use of software, equipment or other materials provided under or in connection with the Contract and only to the extent necessary to use of the Services provided hereunder.
19.2 All intellectual property rights to any software, patents, equipment or other materials including documentation, provided Beneficiary under or in connection with the Contract, are and shall be owned only or its suppliers.
19.3 will make reasonable efforts to ensure, without assuming the obligation to guarantee, that the use by the Beneficiary of software, equipment or other materials provided in connection with the Services will not infringe rights of ownership or intellectual property rights belonging to a third party.
Art.20 Brand information
20.1 name and logo are registered trademarks of SC BANNER PC SRL. Marks SC BANNER PC SRL SRL can not be displayed or used in any form without the express consent of the owner.
Art.21 Termination
21.1 The contract may be terminated (i) if the beneficiary quits using services through permanent account cancellation or (ii) if either party enters into bankruptcy and / or procedures for triggered bankruptcy, dissolution and / or liquidation.
21.2 reserves the right to terminate the contract for non-performance or improper performance by the Beneficiary of any obligation under this contract. The contract is considered as terminated by notice, without other formalities prior intervening termination with immediate effect from the date of communication and without the need for court intervention.
Art. 22 Notifications / Communications
22.1 Any communication to be made in connection with the matters covered by this Agreement shall be sent using the identification data contained in this Agreement or in the event of changes, the update of the Beneficiary account.
22.2 The Beneficiary accepts and agrees to receive by mail or electronic mail communications or other technical messages, commercial or informative nature of the
22.3 All notifications and correspondence will be made in writing and sent by mail, email or fax. Such notifications shall be deemed given when:
1. They are delivered in person and the recipient accepts the signature;
2. Once were distributed to the date the sender receives confirmation of receipt, if sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt; or
3. The date and time recorded when faxing fax. - Mail, the date and time when you received the email.
Art. 23 Special Provisions
23.1 The signing of this contract does not involve the establishment of an exclusive nature of the commercial relationship between and Beneficiary
23.2 The Beneficiary accepts and agrees not to grant any right to use any element of systems from operating facilities or other facilities used or provided by for provision of Services, other than the right to use the Services, as described in this Contract. The Beneficiary will not receive any right or title on the network or a part of the network, systems or equipment owned or used by in order to provide services.
Art. 24 Penalties
24.1 Any delay in payment, which exceeds by more than 14 days payment term written on the invoice or in the appendix to the invoice if it was issued, the Beneficiary undertakes to pay a penalty fee of 0.10% per day of the value thereof.
Art. 25. Force Majeure
25.1 Force majeure exonerates the party invoking it, under the law, the requirement to notify the counterparty.
25.2 Any event beyond its control, unpredictable and insurmountable, released after the conclusion of the contract that prevents the parties to perform all or part of the contractual obligations will be considered force majeure.
25.3 The party invoking force majeure is obliged to give to the other party in writing within 5 (five) days of the occurrence, and the proof of force majeure, with warning of possible effects and extent of force majeure, shall be communicated within 15 (fifteen) days from the occurrence. The reference date is the postmark date of dispatch. The party invoking force majeure is obliged to inform the other party of the termination of the case in less than 5 (five) days of termination. If these circumstances and their consequences last longer than three months, each counter party may give up further performance of the contract. In this case, neither side has the right to claim damages from the other side, but they have a duty to honor all obligations to date.
Art. 26 Final
26.1 This Agreement may be supplemented, interpreted or amended only by addendum accepted by the legal representatives of both parties.
26.2 Any waiver of any right or remedy under this Agreement must be in writing. Except where otherwise expressly stipulated, any waiver will be effective only if it is given and aim for.
26.3 Each provision of this agreement is independent, therefore, if any such provision is or becomes invalid or can not be enforced in any respect under the law, it will not affect the validity or enforceability of the other provisions of the contract, and parties shall make all reasonable efforts to negotiate in good faith in order to replace it with one or more provisions satisfactory to any competent authority in the matter.
26.4 Any person accepting this agreement on behalf of one of the parties represents and warrants that it has been duly authorized and that all necessary measures have been taken to express a valid consent on behalf of the party he represents.
26.5 Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract, including on the conclusion, execution or termination, shall be settled by arbitration International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in accordance with the rules of organization and functioning the Court, the Rules of Procedure of the Court, art.4 of the European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration and concluded in Geneva on April 21 1961, excluding ordinary courts.
26.6 Arbitration Panel consists of an arbitrator appointed under the terms of the applicable procedures.
26.7 Decision time in the arbitration shall be final, binding and enforceable.
aflat intotdeauna deasupra listei cu produse.Compara produsele!
Ca sa beneficiezi de toate functiile site-ului (Wishlist, Alerta pret) este necesar sa iti faci un cont de utilizator.
In acest sens trebuie sa accesezi zona membri si sa completezi apoi campurile existente in autentificare utilizatori! nu este un magazin online, ci un comparator de preturi.
De aceea, pentru a cumpara un anumit produs trebuie sa accesezi butonul spre magazin si vei fi redirectionat spre website-ul magazinului respectiv de unde poti achizitiona produsul.
Cand vrei sa cumperi ceva, te vezi nevoit sa cauti prin toate magazinele cunoscute, pentru a gasi cea mai buna oferta. Dar cu toate ca iti doresti un produs uneori nu iti permiti sa cheltuiesti mai mult de o anumita suma pe el. Exista totusi o solutie ca acel produs sa fie al tau exact la pretul pe care il poti plati.
Spune-ne ce produs te intereseaza, iar cand apar cele mai bune preturi, noi te anuntam pe mail!
Pentru asta foloseste serviciul ALERTA PRET.
Prin acest serviciu, primeşti o notificare automată prin email în cazul în care preţul produsului scade la suma setată de tine.
Pas.1. Selectează produsul al cărui preţ doreşti să urmăreşti si da click pe ALERTA PRET.
Pas.2 În pop-upul care apare creaza-ti cont inscriind adresa de email si o parola. Te poti inscrie si cu contul de facebook! Marcheaza acceptarea termenilor si conditiilor si inscrie-te!
Pas.3 Sub numele produsului dă click pe ALERTA PRET.
Pas.4 În pop-upul care apare te rugăm să inscrii preţul setat de tine si apasa butonul Aboneaza-te
3 - Vei fi anuntat prin email atunci cand pretul produsului va scadea sub pretul ales de tine.
Serviciul ALERTA PRET e gratuit si fara obligatii!
Primiti alertele introduse de catre dumneavoastra prin email la adresa indicate
Te ajutam sat ii minte ce este cu adevarat important pentru tine, prietenii sau familia ta a construit acest ghid pentru dumneavoastra ca suport pentru colaborarea noastra.
Acest ghid este util pentru o buna colaborare pe platforma
Contine toate datele de care aveti nevoie pentru a ne desfasura activitatea in mod normal, eficient si in inaltele standarde calitative.
Gasiti exemple, indicatii cu privire la toate operatiunile pe care atat noi cat si dumneavoastra suntem nevoiti sa le facem pe intreaga noastra colaborare.
Noi tinem la imaginea noastra si a clientilor nostri. O colaborare productiva inseamna un efort din partea ambelor parti, munca multa, rezultate pe masura.
Pentru orice alte intrebari, nelamuriri va rugam sa contactati prin e-mail sau telefon, echipa
Este o platforma online, unde regasiti produse de la mai multe magazine.
Aveti posibilitatea de a compara un produs la mai multe magazine la doar cateva click-uri distanta, avand posibilitatea de a alege cea mai buna oferta si de a merge sa cumperi online direct de la magazinul respectiv..
A se intelege faptul ca un comparator nu este un magazin online.
Comparatorul nu vinde, comparatorul doar da posibilitatea de a vizualiza oferta magazinelor prezente pe el si de a va face legatura printr-un singur buton spre magazinul pe care il alegeti pentru cumpararea acelui produs.
Un feed este un fisier care contine date despre produsele de pe magazinul dumneavoastra online.
Un fisier datafeed poate avea mai multe formate:
Contactati un membru al echipei pentru a va trimite un script potrivit pentru platforma dumneavoastra. Urcati acest script in root, pe platforma dumneavoastra si feed-ul dvs va fi generat la adresa :
Pentru a lista produsele pe avem nevoie de un fisier de date (datafeed) care sa contina informatii despre produse (pret, categorie, nume, link catre imagine, produse, etc).
Cu cat lista produselor dvs (feed-ul) este mai corecta si mai completa cu atat creste rata de conversie.
Platforma este compatibila cu celelalte solutii existente pe piata motiv pentru care putem folosi un feed deja generat pentru alte comparatoare.
Este incarcat pe platforma noastra online si de aici, intre listarea produselor dumneavoastra si magazin este doar un click.
Daca vreti sa va inregistrati magazinul pe, accesati butonul Inscrie magazin!
Va trebui apoi sa completati cu atentie, folosind informatii complete si actualizate, toate campurile formularului.
In cel mai scurt timp o sa primiti un e-mail de confirmare si veti fi preluat de operatorii in vederea inscrierii magazinului dumneavoastra pe comparator.
Perioada in care produsele magazinului dumneavoastra vor fi afisate pe poate varia de la cateva ore la cateva zile, in functie de marimea, complexitatea si corectitudinea feed-ului atasat.
Imediat dupa ce produsele magazinului dumneavoastre au fost incarcate pe primiti un e-mail de confirmare din partea unui operator
De asemenea puteti verifica personal, accesand contul dumneavoastra de comerciant.
Pentru orice alte intrebari, neclaritati va rugam sa ne contactati.
Dupa ce contul dumneavoastra a fost aprobat, nu uitati sa completati toate datele din cont pentru ca magazinul dumneavoastra sa beneficieze de o vizibilitate cat mai buna. Vizitele de pe pe magazinul dumneavoastra online nu tin doar de, ci si de felul in care magazinul dumneavoastra se prezinta in platforma noastra.
In editarea profilului incercati sa scrieti cat mai detaliat si atractiv fiecare camp. Descrierea magazinului, cum se face o comanda, metode de livrare si plata, etc. Astfel cumparatorul este mai atras de magazinul dumneavoastra si este redirectionat de pe, pe magazinul dumneavoastra, pentru a comanda, in loc sa se duca la competitie.
In Zona Magazin adupa autentificare gasiti datele despre contul dumneavoastra. Daca nu puteti vedea contul dumneavoastra fara sa alegeti un pachet, inseamna ca abonamentul dumneavoastra a expirat si trebuie sa cumparati altul.
Pe platiti doar pentru vizite reale. Sistemul anti-fraudare implementat pe comparator, contorizeaza un singur click/ora per produs, din partea unui utilizator unic, indiferent daca acesta intra de mai multe ori pe acel produs in intervalul de timp mentionat.
Castigati increderea clientilor personalizand pagina magazinului dvs. Dupa inscrierea magazinului, va rugam sa inserati acest cod pe site-ul Dvs.
Codul va afisa un mic banner care va trimite catre (codul este personalizat in functie de doleantele clientilor):
<!--Start Cod HTML --> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="JOCURI"width="88" height="31" border="0" /></a> <!-- Sfarsit Cod HTML -->
Magazinul partener se obliga sa actualizeze periodic feed-ul cu informatii despre produsele pe care le comercializeaza. Magazinul partener este obligat sa includa in feed doar ofertele care se regasesc in magazinul sau si care sunt disponibile spre comercializare. Preturile produselor trebuie sa fie cele afisate in cadrul magazinului si nu trebuie sa includa discounturi sau orice fel de oferte speciale. nu este obligat sa afiseze produse ale magazinelor partenere, in cazul in care acestea nu pot fi atribuite niciunei categorii deja existente. nu este obligat, la cererea magazinului partener, sa aduca modificari la sistemul sau de categorii. Magazinul partener isi asuma raspunderea legala pentru datele ce se afla in feed-ul sau. Prin furnizarea feed-ului, magazinul partener garanteaza urmatoarele:
Fisierul de date trimis catre trebuie sa indeplineasca urmatoarele conditii, in cazul in care acesta nu respecta conditiile poate refuza fisierul sau poate suspenda listarea produselor, pana ce magazinul partener remediaza neregulile: va afisa produsele magazinului partener pe site in maxim 5 zile lucratoare de la confirmarea corectitudinii fisierului trimis de catre magazinul partener. are dreptul sa refuze inscrierea sau sa suspende oricand listarea unui magazin partener, daca urmatoarele conditii nu sunt indeplinite la data incercarii de inscriere sau pe perioada listarii produselor pe aproba doar comentariile care nu contin limbaj vulgar si care nu sunt trimise in mod repetat de catre acelasi utilizator. In cazul solicitarii din partea unui magazin online de stergere a unui comentariu negativ, va consulta ambele parti implicate pentru a vedea care este situatia reala.
Fiecare parte implicata va asigura confidentialitatea tuturor informatiilor obtinute de la cealalta parte implicata. Fiecare parte consimte ca nu va folosi nicio informatie confidentiala referitoare la cealalta parte.
Beneficiarul va despagubi si va exonera de orice raspundere pentru orice actiuni, pierderi, costuri, pagube, pedepse, cheltuieli, amenzi, taxe (inclusiv taxe judiciare suportate si/sau la plata carora este obligat, actiuni in justitie, reclamatii sau cereri care au orice legatura cu prezentul Contract aduse impotriva sau cu care este amenintat de catre un tert, inclusiv autoritati, si care rezulta din utilizarea de catre Beneficiar a Serviciilor, sau din orice actiune sau omisiune intentionata sau neglijenta din partea Beneficiarului. sau colaboratorii Furnizorului nu isi asuma in niciun caz responsabilitatea pentru pierderi de ordin financiar sau comercial, si pentru nicio pierdere indirecta sau pe cale de consecinta pe care o poate suferi Partenerul. Acestea includ orice pierderi de profit (indiferent daca sunt suferite direct sau indirect), orice pierdere de patrimoniu sau privind reputatia firmei, sau orice pierdere de date suferita. nu este raspunzator pentru pierderile sau stergerile de informatii survenite in urma actiunilor directe sau indirecte efectuate de Parteneri asupra datelor. si rezerva dreptul de a modifica in orice moment continutul Termenilor si Conditiilor de utilizare a Serviciilor, fara notificarea prealabila a Beneficiarului sau persoanelor care le utilizeaza. Partenerii vor avea acces in permanenta la termeni si conditii, pentru a le putea consulta oricand.
RC: J40/4859/2000
CIF: RO13039738
Sediu: Str Ciresului nr.25 Sector 2 Bucuresti
CP 024103